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NZ Shooters Travelling Overseas

Pistol NZ Return Form when traveling back from overseas competitions
The following form needs to be filled in and sent to the PNZ Executive Officer:

PEI/1 Form

As of January 2023, the PEI-1 process has been updated. Details of ammunition are now required by the NZ Police and MFAT.

Here is the current process, after you fill in the PEI-1 (Link above) and the MFAT form (See below) to the PNZ Executive Officer. (Note this is for 5 firearms or LESS ONLY).


  • The PNZ XO will send in a PEI-1 form to the NZ Police via [email protected].
  • The Police will send back a copy of the PEI-1 AND an import permit (Maybe 2, one for Import and one for overseas suppliers – Not needed for Competitors) for the re-importation of the arms items to the person. (Keep copies of this form with you on your trip).
  • MFAT will be sent a notification of the firearms, slides, frames, barrels, magazines and ammunition leaving the country.
  • Note: The airport does not require a copy of the permit on export, as this is issued for importation and is not related to exportation – It is not a Police requirement to provide export information. MFAT however, may require a notification.


  • Then leave on your flight. (The Airport Police DO NOT need to sight, firearms, magazines, barrels, slides, frames or ammunition when leaving).
  • Note: Nothing should change in regard to the export – the permit covers the re-importation of the firearms, slides, frames, barrels, magazines and ammunition and therefore, the applicant is only required to present the import permit and their firearms license on their return to NZ.


  • The firearms will be checked by NZ Customs (NZ Police have the authority to sign this at the International Police Office location in the Arrival Area as well) on the way back in (You must show NZ Customs your firearms license, along with the import permit which they will sign).
  • The Airport Police will need to sight any firearms, magazines, frames, slides, barrels, and ammunition brought back into New Zealand as stated on your import permit.
  • If you bring back ammunition LESS than the quantity exported, then there will be no issues.
  • In the future, the PNZ XO will inform the Auckland Police of large group numbers ONLY of members arriving back and on what flights with the Auckland Airport Police.
  • Individuals should just show up for the inspection at the Airport Police.The Police have a Police base in the International Terminal. When you clear Customs you walk down to the baggage carousel area the Police base is located in this area and is well sign-posted. There is a phone on the counter and you will be put through to the Auckland Monitoring Centre who will contact Police to advise that you are there.


In addition: within 30 days of the importation of the firearms, slides, frames, barrels, and ammunition, the person must provide to the NZ Police via the email [email protected], the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your address and occupation
  • The quantity imported, I.E. 1 Pistol, 1 Barrel, and 50 rounds of ammunition (Ammunition quantities brought back in which are smaller than the original export amount, will require no further paperwork)
  • The permit import number needs to be provided as given on the import permit.
  • A description of the firearm, slides, frames, barrels, magazines and ammunition, make, model, and any serial numbers
  • Where the firearms and parts/ammunition arrived back into the country (I.E. Auckland Airport)
  • The date of importation (date of arrival back into NZ).

The NZ Police will send you back a closure reply, stating: ‘Your notification of import has been processed, and permit …….. has now been verified and can no longer be used to import. You have fulfilled your obligations under Regulation 13 of the Arms Regulations 1992 and no further action is required’, or alike. Follow this up if you don’t see something within the 30 days of arriving back home.

Arrangements for bringing firearms through Auckland International Airport

New arrangements are in place for people who wish to bring firearms through Auckland International Airport. Following consultation with airlines, ground handling contractors, and Police partner agencies, it has been agreed that a new, consistent process should be in place to increase security. From December 2017, firearms coming into the airport will be uplifted by ground handlers who will then place them in a secured cabinet situated between baggage carousels 3 and 4. The person bringing the firearms into the country will then be required to contact the Airport Police and complete the paperwork required to bring the firearm into New Zealand before proceeding to Customs. The new arrangements will apply to New Zealanders returning with firearms as well as people visiting from overseas.


MFAT Requirements



If you are travelling to a shooting event overseas, download THIS form, fill it in and send it to the PNZ XO along with your PEI-1 form for processing.


For further information:

MFAT forms should be sent to Export Controls Officer
Fax: 64 4 439 8227 or
Email: [email protected] or
Post: MFAT Disarmament Division, Private Bag 18901, Wellington


What exemptions exist? | New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (

If you are traveling to New Caledonia, you will need to fill in a Single Use Strategic Good Form (Writable PDF) and send this back (As a writable PDF) to PNZ for processing at MFAT.


Travel Tips and Information when Travelling Overseas

TRIP TO E.O.T PLANNING – Tips and Advice (November 2018)The following experienced advice (Click HERE) and information was gratefully put together by Tucson, a regular traveler to Cowboy matches in the USA

Shooters Travelling to Australia

The following information outlines the forms needed to enter and exit, Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria in Australia when traveling to shooting competitions. Here are fact sheets sent by the Queensland border protection service but would apply to all states in Australia:

The attached documentation is required for gaining clearance to export firearms using a Restricted Goods Permit (RGP) from Australia. Information sheets have been provided to assist you with completing the documentation.
RGP EDN Cover Sheet  –  Restricted Goods Permit process information.

  • EOI Fact Sheet  – An information sheet to assist with explaining Evidence of Identity requirements. You will need to present 100 points of identity when you lodge your documents with us.
  • B319 – Registering as a client (this is required for all exportation/importations). If you have previously registered as an Australian Border Force client, you will just need to provide us with the Customs Client ID (CCID) which would have been supplied to you when you previously lodged documents.
  • B957  – Export declaration (please only include 1 item on this page)
  • B957 A- Export declaration supplementary pages. This is for the exportation of more than 1 item. You will need to complete this for each additional item, i.e. additional firearms, spare barrels, for each type of ammunition (i.e. different caliber ammunition for weapons that have different calibers, one supplementary page for each different caliber), rifle scopes (one or more scopes may be included on one supplementary page), firearm parts.
  • DEC07 – Restricted goods permit application and explanation (only 4 firearms per permit, if greater than 4 firearms please call the Defence Export Control Office on 1800 661066 as you will be required to obtain a Department of Defence Permit).
  • Sample – Weapons EDN  – A copy of what the completed Export Declaration should look like.
  • Australian Customs Flyer on “Importing Firearms”

Firearms License and Weapons List identifying the registered firearm/s you are exporting is also required. Please lodge your documents at least 3 weeks prior to departure. If you reside within 50km of Brisbane Airport, documents must be submitted in person at Exports QLD located at 20-22 The Circuit, Airport Village, Eagle Farm. Original documents are required for your permit to be authorised and are to be presented when lodging documents. If you reside more than 50km from Brisbane Airport you may email, fax, or post your documents for processing.


To arrive in Queensland you also need to complete the following forms which are designed for Queensland only:

New South Wales

To arrive in New South Wales you also need to complete the following forms which are designed for New South Wales only:

Travelers to NSW who are aged between 12-18 years of age need to fill in a Legitimate Reason form. As of June 2016, this document is no longer needed by Australian Shooters traveling back to Australia.Notes: The NSW forms can be filled in at the Airport on arrival and completed prior to departure.


To arrive in Victoria you also need to complete the following forms which are designed for Victoria only:

Northern Territory

South Australia


Transhipping Firearms and Ammunition Though Australia

The following is the required process (As of July 2022) to tranship (Flying to an international destination through an Australian Airport) firearms and ammunition, through Australia.

Process: (Refer to these documents ‘Sending Firearms through Australia’ and ‘Fact Sheet – ‘Travelling with or sending Firearms Through Australia‘ by the Australian Border Force listing the steps needed to carry this out)

This includes:

Contact information if needed:

Defence Export Control

1800 661066 or 61 2 6144 9190.

[email protected] (02) 6265 4583.

Defense export control Enquiries       Direct Phone number 0061 2 62667222

This information was gathered with the appreciated help of Craig Clark.

Shooters Travelling to the USA

To arrive in the USA with firearms and ammunition you will need to have completed before you go:

Form 6 NIA (Application/Permit for Temporary Importation of Firearms and Ammunition by Nonimmigrant Aliens)

  • The approved permit is good for 12 months from the approval date.
  • Once the competitor has the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms permit approval, you can use it for all tournaments you want to attend in the United States during the time the permit is valid.
  • Each competitor must apply for their own permit individually.
  • You will need an invitation letter from the Match Director of the event you are traveling to. The match will normally have this letter available for download as part of their match information. You will need to send the invitation letter with your name on it to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms along with the Form 6 NIA (above).
  • After completing both the invitation letter and the 6 NIA form, fax or email (preferred) both documents to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
  • The fax number is 1-304-616-4554 or Email (Preferred) the form to [email protected]
  • The approval can take up to 8 weeks, so prepare early!
  • Make sure you follow up on this application as you get closer to the leaving date and call them if needed at +1 202-648-777

Download advisory to shooters traveling to the USA on commercial aircraft
The Best Practice is to ensure that all of your firearms, parts, ammunition, and magazines (or speed-loaders) are placed as required inside your checked luggage.
Also, remember that your airline may impose additional requirements, so you should check with your carrier.


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MEMBERS ONLY can send login inquiries HERE

If you need to change your personal details, like your address, this should be done through the members details change form HERE, NOT THIS WEBSITE
